job details

Job Details

Translator - French Language

 TasHeel  -India

  5 - 8 years  18 -25 Lacs Per Annum  3rd November 2021

Job description
  • TasHeel is a 100% Saudi Arabian management company run by a team of highly motivated and dedicated Saudi Arabian service professionals led by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Abdullah Alfaisal.

    -Business skills. Self-employed and freelance interpreters and translators need general business skills to manage their  finances and careers successfully. They must set prices for their work, bill customers, keep records, and market their  services to build their client base.

    -Concentration. Interpreters and translators must have the ability to concentrate while others are speaking or moving  around them.

    -Cultural sensitivity. Interpreters and translators must be sensitive to cultural differences and expectations among the  people whom they are helping to communicate. Successful interpreting and translating is not only a matter of knowing  the words in different languages but also of understanding people’s cultures.

    -Dexterity. Sign language interpreters must be able to make quick and coordinated hand, finger, and arm movements  when interpreting.

    -Interpersonal skills. Interpreters and translators, particularly those who are self-employed, must be able to get along  with those who hire or use their services in order to retain clients and attract new business.

    -Listening skills. Interpreters and translators must listen carefully when interpreting for audiences to ensure that they hear  and interpret correctly.

    -Speaking skills. Interpreters and translators must speak clearly in the languages they are conveying.

    -Writing skills. Interpreters and translators must be able to write clearly and effectively in the languages they translate.

Recruiter details
  • Company Name:
  • Company Description:
