job details

Job Details

International Tax Senior Consultant

 Ernst & Young  -India

  3 - 5 years  20 -25 Lacs Per Annum  31st December 2021

Job description
  • EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services. Our 167,000 people are united by our shared values, which inspire our people worldwide and guide them to do the right thing, and our commitment to quality.

    •A bachelor's degree with strong academic credentials - accounting, business, finance or a  related field desirable. MBA, Masters of Tax, JD and LLM a plus.

    •Relevant professional qualification such as CTA, ADIT.

    •Min four years post-qualification experience

    •Experience of cross-border taxation

    •Big 4 or similar consulting experience in a mature market preferred

     Additional skills requirements

    •Excellent written and verbal communication

    •Well-developed analytical and research skills and an ability to draw conclusions from often  equivocal or conflicting data

    •The ability to manage a project efficiently

Recruiter details
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